Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
Matthew 4:19
When Jesus called the disciples to Himself, He was calling them to be a part of something greater than themselves. He was calling them to be a part of a cause beyond what they could have ever begun to imagine. And yet for each of them, the cost of followship was the same – complete surrender! In the process of their surrender, Jesus promised that He would make them into something that would give value and meaning to their lives and would also bring glory and honor to God.

Fast forward to after the resurrection and before His ascension. In Matthew 28:16-20, after 3½ years of following in the footsteps of Jesus and experiencing every event, encounter, and encouragement, Jesus empowered and unleashed these men upon the world – and the world would never again be the same. It is to this commission that each of us is called as well – to go and make disciples of all nations beginning right where we live, work, and play.

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:16-20

The 5 Marks of a Disciple

A disciple is AVAILABLE to God

Why were the eleven available to God? Why did they show up at Mt. Arbel some 6 miles away? It was because they were absolutely convinced Jesus was who He said He was and did what He said He would do. They knew He was the resurrected Savior and Messiah. Until a person is absolutely convinced of Jesus, the idea of availability and abandonment can be sketchy; but the moment the issue of Jesus’ identity is settled in one’s heart, the only logical response is surrender – just as it was for the original disciples.

A disciple has AFFECTION for God

Once the eleven arrived at the top of Mt. Arbel on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, the Scripture explains that they began to worship Him. It is important to note that this did not involve sitting around, holding hands, and singing Kum Ba Yah. Instead, they personally, physically, and spiritually loved Him with all of their heart, mind, soul, and strength giving Jesus the rightful seat on the throne of their lives.

A disciple abides under the AUTHORITY of God

In declaring that all authority had been given to Him, Jesus was inviting His followers to plug into the authority and power of God that the Father entrusted to Him so that their lives might be found in alignment with His heart and fully engaged in His mission. Essential to living the 'Jesus' life, an apprentice of Jesus must submit and live under the influence of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit in the abiding life with one single ambition – to engage in the will of God to live out the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations who make disciples.

A disciple lives for the AGENDA of God

Once a person makes themselves available to God because they embrace the reality of Jesus as the Messiah, and having such a true affection for God that they are willing to surrender to the authority of God through abiding in Christ, one is ready to live for the agenda of God to “go” and live in this world to make disciples of all nations. We live this amazing commission by sharing the love of God within us with others so that they might experience Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, begin to grow up in their faith, so that they can also replicate this faith in others. As a disciple, our mission is simple – it is to be a disciple who makes disciples.

A disciple walks in the ASSURANCE of God

The key to living the agenda of God is not in launching our in our ability to serve God, but to wait upon and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit who has been deposited into our lives to guide and influence our lives for God's glory. So, essential to living a Great Commission life is learning to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit within us who wants to live through us. This requires learning to distinguish God's voice amidst the calamity of the flesh, the world, and the demonic because the Christian life is lived far more by sound than by sight.

The GROW Process

Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:7-8
When Jesus called the disciples to follow Him, He was calling them to a life of surrender and followship.  He planned to lead them into genuine intimacy with the Father through His life and atoning sacrifice, then to release them into His Great Commission to transform the nations.
To accomplish this mission, Jesus took a group of untrained men, and over 3½ years, accomplished two necessary feats. First, He confronted all the religious pomp and circumstance they had accumulated throughout their lives to detox them of any error and misunderstanding that might prevent them from seeing and experiencing intimacy with God; and second, He began to upload truth and invest in them a passion for knowing God and growing in their relationship with Him. He offered them a plan to GROW.

The GROW Plan is an organic pathway to simplify the pursuit of God and confront the religious pretense we oftentimes accumulate along life’s journey. As such, this is not a curriculum! It is not another Bible study! It is not even a Bible reading plan! It is a pursuit of intimacy and clarity. It is a seeking of God’s heart for His will to be accomplished in and through our lives. Thus, it is not intended to be cumbersome, but intentional, getting to the heart of the matter – which is always a matter of the heart.

With this in mind, what has been created is a simple pathway and process for discovery. While this pathway can be experienced alone, it is intended to be shared with others. It is best experienced with a few other people in a life2life shared journey – which we call a GROW Group.

A GROW Group is a gathering of up to 6 men or women (gender-specific) who meet together on a weekly to bi-weekly basis to discuss what God has been showing and teaching them through the daily reading of the Scriptures. It is a time to encourage one another and provide accountability, but most importantly, it is a time to share what God has been speaking into each other’s lives.

The power of this life2life community begins with the centrality of Scripture. It is a small gathering around the Word. The Bible is the centerpiece. As such, the group agrees to GROW together around the same passages by following the same devotional reading plan – and then getting together to invest in one another what God has invested into them. Each week, the group members spend time alone each day in God’s Word GROW-ing in their faith. From there, the group meets to share their insights and to encourage each other to begin living the Truth God has to them.

This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16

The GROW Reading Strategy is intended to guide each person through a simple, inductive process and progression of the Scriptures so that they might understand and glean truth from the passages they are reading.  In following this plan for Bible reading, a person can anticipate learning how to:

  • Rightly identify the context and content of a particular passage
  • Gain understanding and clarity of God’s intent within the context
  • Experience God speaking directly into their life through the Bible as He brings revelation into the details of their life personally by the power of the Holy Spirit


As a person reads the text, they are seeking to gain a basic understanding of the context and highlight any important verses, phrases, ideas, or words. In this step, each person is applying the basic skills of observation by asking who, what, where, why, when, and how questions, to allow the text to speak for itself – and then summarizing it in their own words.


In reflecting on a passage, each person is beginning to meditate and process the teaching of Scripture to understand the intent and content as originally intended. In applying basic skills of interpretation, a participant will begin to discover the meaning of a text and God’s guiding principles for living.
OWN it

To own a passage is to allow the Holy Spirit to personalize the teaching by revealing the truth He wants the reader to see and then infusing it into their life so that it becomes a part of their life. This is the stage of incarnation where God speaks truth (rhema) directly into the details and decisions of one's life – truth for living.


God does not speak into our lives for us to just stand by and watch – He speaks to us through His Word so that our faith might be activated into genuine followship to be lived out and experienced each day. This is the heart of the Christian life – knowing God, hearing his voice, and obeying his leading. Yet it is in our obedience to this revelation of truth that we begin to experience the will of God. Thus, the walking phase is the activation phase where we determine the practical step-by-step ways we can apply God’s revelation of truth into our lives – and then we DO it!

Devotional Pathways | Journals

5 Marks offers (2) unique devotional pathways to assist people in thriving in their walk with God. 
A 48-week journey that delves into the essential teaching everyone needs to connect and walk with God. The journey includes (4) 12-week pathways including Come and See, Abide, His Story, and Anchored.   
A series of 12-week devotional journals walking through different books of the Bible. Currently, we offer the books of Genesis, Acts, Romans, Corinthians, Galatians to Colossians, Timothy to Philemon, Hebrews to James, 1 Peter to Jude, and Revelation.
For more information on these resources and more, return to the bottom of the Home Page or visit www.amazon.com